
“Mentre vai, prova a restare” – di Stefania Oppedisano

Come ci vede Milano?

Se lei parlasse a noi, cose direbbe?:

“ViviMi, guardaMi, aspettaMi, attraversaMi, pensaMi, coloraMi, trovaMi,…”

Mentre sussurra queste parole, scatta delle istantanee tanto vive e vere che, vicine le une alle altre,

ricreano un movimento corale, il nostro.

Allora aggiunge:

“Mentre vai, prova a restare”

E sorride.




“Stay as you go”

How does Milan see us?

If she spoke with us, what would she say?

“Live Me, look at Me, wait for Me, cross Me, think of Me, colore Me, find Me, …”

While she whispers these words, she takes so lively and true snapshots that, close to each other,

recreate a choral movement, ours.

Then she adds:

“Stay as you go”

And she smiles.

Stefania Oppedisano


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